Water Division
The world today is facing serious water shortages. Economic development along with fast‐paced urbanization especially in emerging countries is creating the need for efficient and sustainable water and
Environment Management Solutions.
During the twentieth century the world's population tripled while the use of water grew six times. With less
than 0.007% of all the water on earth being available to drink, nearly 20% of the world population does not
have access to safe drinking water. In view of this, there is growing need for water treatment and recycling
from industries and communities the world over.
With its long & sustainable history spanning more than 9 decades, AIILSG has been the steadfast friend,
philosopher and guide to Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) across the Country. AIILSG will also work extensively in
the area of Liquid Waste Management (LWM), Septage Management in the Rural Areas providing most
economical cost effective solutions for the rural poor/backward communities which will in‐turn automatically
improve sanitation & hygiene A I I L S G therefore, expects to see a great rise in demand for its consultancy
services within India as well as in overseas markets in the 'Water' space.
The water division will cater to training and capacity building in the field of Water and Wastewater Treatment
as well as technical requirements of ULBs and Rural bodies in the field of Water and wastewater under
AIILSG Water Division provides truly impartial advice, consultancy services to diversified industry and community in Government sectors with complete responsibility and accountability.
- Carefully chosen its services to address the growing global issue of water pollution and scarcity as well as needs of ULBs and other bodies.
- The area of operation include Drinking water treatment, Sea water treatment, Sewage treatment and recycle, effluent treatment and Zero Liquid Discharge
- The services includes:
- Feasibility Studies DPR s , Preparation of Tenders and Techno-Commercial Proposals
- Design, Engineering and Project Management Consultancy of Water & Wastewater Treatment projects related to Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation/Automation and Civil using latest design tools & software.
- Operation & Maintenance (O&M)/Annual Maintenance Contracts (AMC) of water and wastewater treatment plants
- Training programs for in-house AIILSG SI and Industry/Community work force in the field of Water & Wastewater Treatment.
- Placement of trained manpower in OEMs, ULBs, Rural area.
- Water Audits – Systematic and scientific study of water circuits to identify, measure, monitor and optimize water consumption by reducing wastages
- Water Standards Certification for existing water/wastewater treatment facilities – Facilitation of understanding of the concepts and requirements of ISO standards, which are specially published for water treatment facilities as well as designing, documenting and implementing system, which is best suited to them.