GIS Masterplan for 10 towns in Arunachal Pradesh.
Project Details:
- a) Project Intro: Department of Town Planning and ULBs have taken a pioneer step in development of Arunachal Pradesh by initiating Master Plan preparation of notified towns in the region. This will boost the development activity in the state. In order to address this requirement, as per Provisions of Arunachal Pradesh Urban and Country Planning Act, 2007 the Government of Arunachal Pradesh under Department of Town Planning and Urban Local Bodies, has awarded M/s. All India Institute of Local Self Government (AIILSG) the Consultancy for Preparation of GIS based Master Plan of 10 towns. The horizon year for the GIS based Master Plan of 10 towns will be 2030. All the spatial attributes are collected, and maps are prepared at the scale of 1:4000.
- b) Project Area: Tawang,Pasighat,Aalo,Zero,Yachuli,Raga,Miao,Dapojio,Namsai and Bomdila towns.
- c) Project operation: Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh.
- c) Project Description: ‘GIS Master Plan’ presents a detail analysis based on the in-depth cumulative study, consultation with the government officials, site surveys and interaction with the local residents that has been carried out. It incorporates proposals from departments such as Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC), Public Health Department (PHED), Department of Power, etc. with existing regional plans, district plans in the proposal. The main key output is the proposed land use plan for year 2030 derived as a result of exhaustive study and assessment. This is the first notification for preparing a master plan for the town and this plan identified relevant matters of strategic and local interest to drive the town on the path of sustainable urban development. The structure of the Master Plan will be as per provisions of Arunachal Pradesh Urban and Country Planning Act, 2007.
This GIS Master plan study the existing situation, identification of issues and formulation of proposals and projections Urban and Socio-Economic data. Database will be created, and necessary surveys will be conducted which include existing land use survey, socio-economic profile, traffic and transport related data and other surveys as per the provision.
- Preparation of base map and thematic map
- Creation of urban database
- Formulation of Draft Master Plan .
As of April 2020 we have submitted 6 Final draft master plans to the town planning department of Arunachal Pradesh.
Formulation of GIS based Master Plans of Tawang Town, Arunachal Pradesh