In India, Nagpur city has been chosen as the first project city under the Equi-City project. The overall
aim of the Equi-City project, funded by the European Union, is to promote inclusive and sustainable
growth of Indian cities through collaborative multi-stakeholder approach using participatory
governance between local authorities and stakeholders to ensure equitable provision of municipal
services and to promote diversity within and capacity development of local government
Project duration - 48 months
Project Location – Nagpur City, State of Maharashtra, India
Target Sector– Local Government Officials, State Government, Citizens, Urban Poor, Elected Representatives, Civil Society (CSOs)
Final Beneficiaries – Citizens and officials working in Local Authority (LA) organizations.
Project Activities
Participatory Forum
Organizational Diversity
Participatory Forum
Capacity Building and Research
Monitoring and Implementation
Information Dissemination
- Local authorities, elected representatives and citizens, especially poor urban dwellers, engage collaboratively to find solutions in their respective localities
- Local authorities sensitized and responsive to various sections within the organisation and city
- Leadership roles in resolving equitably municipal issues
- Greater transparency and accountability in operations, delivery of municipal services
- Informed and empowered poor urban dwellers
- Greater demand for efficient municipal services